Sign our petition
Sign and Share our petition calling on The Saudi Kingdom to immediately and unconditionally Free Loujain.
Contact your MP
Use the email template below to contact your MP/Representative and ask them to
Dear (Name of MP),
I write to you as your constituent and as a supporter of Loujain AlHathloul, a Nobel Prize nominee, and a prisoner of conscience in Saudi Arabia since May 2018. As I write this, Loujain is potentially being subject to torture and other inhumane and degrading treatment behind bars in Saudi Arabia for calling for peaceful reform. Loujain has been tortured, placed in solitary confinement and sexually assaulted already in the past two years in prison in Saudi Arabia.
(Name of the country) ratified several important international human rights treaties and is dedicated to protecting human rights for all people. Mr/Ms (Name of MP), it is our duty to ensure that our country respects human rights , but furthermore does not legitimize horrendous human rights violations and abuses committed by our allies.
Our government engages and has a relationship with Saudi Arabia, and it is my hope that Human Rights is put at the forefront of all discussions with Saudi Arabia, now and in the future. As your constituent I would like to know what (name of country) has done to ensure the safety of political reformers in Saudi Arabia? Why is Loujain AlHathloul still arbitrarily detained after two and a half years? Why isn’t anyone allowed to visit her? Why has there never been any investigation regarding her torture?
We, as constituents, and you as our representatives, can not let our government engage with Saudi Arabia without making sure that basic human rights are at the core of the relationship.
As Saudi Arabia is hosting the G20 summit this year, it is the right moment to ask Saudi Arabia to free Loujain AlHathloul and her fellow activists whose sole crime was to ask for peaceful reforms in their country.
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Make Loujain unforgotten
Tweet #FreeLoujain everytime you see Saudi Arabia mentioned on your social media timeline.
Generic Tweet
Loujain AlHathloul is a leader of the women’s rights movement in Saudi Arabia - yet she has spent 2 years in prison and has been tortured for her activism. @KingSalman Free Loujain today. #FreeLoujain
G20 Tweet
#G20 leaders need to use their power and advocate for the immediate and unconditional release of Saudi Activist @LoujainHathloul. #FreeLoujain #G20SaudiArabia
Share our Petition
Sign the @Change petition calling on @KingSalman to free imprisoned Saudi Activist @LoujainHathloul. She has spent 2 years in prison and has placed in solitary confinement and tortured for her activism. #FreeLoujain
Ladies European Tour
@LETgolf Don’t go to #SaudiArabia and help that barbaric regime launder its reputation through your excellence. #StandWithSaudiActivists and call on @KingSalman to immediately and unconditionally #FreeLoujain today.
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