Loujain’s Trial - Specialised Criminal Court
Loujain’s case was moved to the specialised criminal court on 26 Nov 2020. Loujain was sentenced by the SCC on 28 Dec 2020 to 5 years and 8 months in prison.
تطور جديد ومؤسف في قضية لجين
خلال الجلسة الأولى في المحكمة المتخصصة في الرياض يوم 10 ديسمبر 2020، ذكر القاضي شفهيا أن صحيفة الإدعاء الحديثة متطابقة تماما مع صحيفة الإدعاء السابقة، وكذلك أكد كاتب الضبط في محضر الجلسة بأنهما متطابقتان تمامًا. لجين بقلبها الصافي وحسن نيتها وثقت بكلام القاضي ووقعت على المحضر.
لاحقا بعد قراءة دقيقة إتضح أن النيابة العامة حذفت عدة جمل من الصحيفة السابقة مثل "بريطاني الجنسية، الحكومة البريطانية، هولندي الجنسية، الاتحاد الأوروبي".
إذا النيابة العامة أقرت أخيرا أن بريطانيا، هولندا والإتحاد الأوروبي ليسوا اعداءا للمملكة. لكن لماذا فضلت النيابة العامة عدم الدقة في تحديد الجنسيات؟
نشعر بالأسى لهذا القاضي الذي سعى للإحتيال على لجين بدلا من
سعيه لتحقيق العدالة.
لذلك قررنا أن ننشر لائحة التهم على موقعنا الرسمي
A new and unfortunate development Loujain's case as of 10 Dec 2020.
During the first session at the Specialised Criminal Court in Riyadh on 10 December 2020, the judge verbally stated that new prosecution’s documents were completely identical to the previous prosecution’s documents, and the court clerk also confirmed in the session minutes that they were completely identical.
Loujain, with her pure heart and good faith, trusted the judge’s words and signed the record. Later, after a careful reading, it became clear that the Public Prosecutor's Office had deleted several sentences from the previous documents, such as "British national, British government, Dutch, European Union".
Loujain Trial Documents from Feb 2020 - Feb 2021
Loujain AlHathloul was sentenced to 5 years and 8 months in prison in court on 28 December 2020 by the Specialised Criminal Court (terrorism court). The sentence includes a suspension of 2 years and 10 months in addition to the time already served (since May 2018) which would see Loujain’s release in approximately two months. Loujain is also required to serve three years of probation during which time she could be arrested for any perceived illegal activity. She will also be placed on a 5-year travel ban. The below document contains all trial documents from Feb 2020 - Feb 2021
3 March 2021 Update
Loujain walking to the Specialised Criminal court for her appeal hearing on 2 March 2021. Video Source: AFP
On 2 March 2021 in the Specialised Criminal Court Loujain AlHathloul appeared for the start of her appeal hearing for the sentencing to 5 years and 8 months in prison. The session was adjourned until next Wednesday 10 March 2021.
During the hearing:
The public prosecution objected to the 5 years and 8 months sentence, demanded a cancellation of the suspended portion of the sentence, and asked for an increase of the sentence.
The judge asked Loujain if she regretted what she had done and wanted to submit an apology before the judges.
Loujain replied that she had proven in all her defenses that she had not committed any crime based on local and international laws. So, on what basis would she present her repentance?
The judge asked about Loujain’s communication with foreign parties to which Loujain explained that all her communication with foreign parties was legitimately based on the Saudi Kingdom’s international laws that the Kingdom has ratified. Loujain also noted that the articles of the terrorist law on which the court of the SCC relied on to convict Loujain labeled all foreign entities involved in her case as terrorist entities knowing that these entities are only defined by the Ministry of the Interior and approved by the King. These foreign entities include: the United Nations, the British embassy, the European Union, international human rights organizations, journalists.
Loujain additionally insisted again on the presence of physical witness that she had requested in her previous defense to confirm her description of what Loujain was doing rather than relying on what the prosecution had noted in her charges. The witnesses Loujain requested include The staff of the British & Dutch embassy, the European Union, the United Nations, human rights organizations, and journalists. However, the court did not appear to respond to this request.
Loujain reminded the appeals judges that judges in the Specialized Court did not decide on the requests that were attached to her defense, violating the law in that instance and that the appeals judges should decide all her requests.
10 March 2021 Update
The judge denied the appeal and confirmed the sentence to 5 years and 8 months in prison which includes 3 years of probation and 5 years of a travel ban during which Loujain cannot leave Saudi Arabia at any time. Loujain’s charges had listed her communication with foreign parties which include the United Nations, British Embassy, European Union, The Netherlands, international human rights organizations and journalists. In the first appeal hearing on 2 March 2021, Loujain noted that the articles of the terrorist law on which the court of the SCC relied on to convict Loujain labeled all foreign entities involved in her case as terrorist entities knowing that these entities are only defined by the Ministry of the Interior and approved by the King. The confirmation of Loujain’s sentence means that the Saudi authorities have also confirmed that the Saudi Authorities consider these foreign entities ‘terrorist entities’ and contacting them a terrorist act.
Loujain Supreme Court Appeal
Loujain filed her appeal for her sentencing to 5 years and 8 months in prison to the Supreme Court in Saudi Arabia on 22 March 2022.