Loujain’s Post Trial Fights
Loujain AlHathloul was imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for 1001 days and released on 10 Feb 2021. During Loujain’s illegal imprisonment she endured numerous violations of her basic rights. Now released, Loujain is fighting for accountability and justice for these violations. This page details Loujain's continued fight for justice and accountability.
Complaint against the UAE for spying, kidnapping, and Illegal Seizure of Loujain’s car
Abu Dhabi Police sold Loujain’s car for not answering calls while in prison to decide on the fate of her illegally parked car due to her arrest in the middle of the road and her forcible extradition to Riyadh by the UAE authorities in 2018.
Defamation; Al Jazirah Saudi Newspaper Case
Part of Loujain’s post-prison resistance is to confront those who attempted to tarnish her reputation through false allegations via local news agencies. Saudi Al Jazirah newspaper, a prominent local newspaper, published days after Loujain’s arrest an article claiming that she was arrested for treason while including her name and the name of five others. The names were seconded by photos of the detainees marked by a red stamp saying خائن “traitor” in Arabic. The latter act infringed the legal procedures of preserving the detainees’ identities until official charges by the public prosecution, based on official interrogations, were filed to court.
As the attached documents confirm, the court unreasonably rejected Loujain’s case for exceeding the legal time limit of ninety (90) days to file a complaint against registered news outlets from the date of an article’s publication.
In her appeal, Loujain attempted to reiterate the fact that she was in prison when the article was released, making her complaint impossible - within the time limit set by law - as she was nearly isolated from the outside world in her first four (4) months in solitary confinement. Later in time, the option of raising a court case in prison was unthinkable as she already was being challenged to properly write her defense for her principal case while being constantly restricted from receiving necessary resources to write.
A second appeal option is still available to Loujain whom will be filing it within the following week (29 August 2021).
Case filed: 31 March 2021
Court hearing: 21 June 2021
Court primary decision: 21 June 2021
Appeal filing: 27 June 2021
Court appeal decision: 19 August 2021
جزء من مقاومة لجين بعد الإفراج عنها هو في مواجهة لأولئك الذين حاولوا تشويه سمعتها من خلال ادعاءات كاذبة عبر منصات إعلامية محلية. نشرت صحيفة الجزيرة السعودية ، وهي إحدى الصحف المحلية البارزة ، بعد أيام من اعتقال لجين مقالاً زعم أنه تم القبض عليها بتهمة الخيانة مع ذكر اسمها واسم خمس أشخاص آخرين. تم تدعيم الأسماء في المقال بصور المعتقلين وعليها ختم أحمر كتب عليه "خائن .” وقد خرق الفعل الأخير من قبل الصحيفة الإجراءات القانونية الخاصة بالحفاظ على هوية الموقوفين إلى حين رفع الدعوى من قبل النيابة العامة ، بناء على استجوابات رسمية ، إلى المحكمة.
كما تؤكد المستندات المرفقة ، رفضت المحكمة لأسباب غير منطقية قضية لجين لتجاوزها الحد الزمني القانوني البالغ تسعين (90) يومًا لتقديم شكوى ضد وسائل الإعلام المسجلة من تاريخ نشر المقال.في استئنافها ، حاولت لجين التأكيد على حقيقة أنها كانت في السجن عندما صدر المقال ، مما جعل شكواها مستحيلة - في غضون المهلة الزمنية المحددة نظاماً - حيث كانت شبه معزولة عن العالم الخارجي في الأشهر الأربعة الأولى في حبسها الانفرادي. في وقت لاحق خلال سجنها ، كان خيار رفع قضية في المحكمة أمرًا لا يمكن تصوره حيث تم تصعيب مهمة كتابة دفاعها المتعلق بقضيتها الأساسية بينما كانت مقيدة باستمرار من تلقي الموارد اللازمة للكتابة.
لا يزال خيار الاستئناف الثاني متاحًا للجين والتي ستقدمه في غضون الأسبوع القادم (29 أغسطس 2021).
تاريخ رفع القضية: ١٨ شعبان ١٤٤٢هـ
تاريخ جلسة المحكمة: ١١ ذو القعدة ١٤٤٢هـ
تاريخ القرار الابتدائي: ١١ ذو القعدة ١٤٤٢هـ
تاريخ الاستئناف: ١٧ ذو القعدة ١٤٤٢هـ
تاريخ القرار النهائي: ١١ محرم ١٤٤٣هـ
Loujain AlHathloul, Represented by EFF, Sues Spyware Maker DarkMatter For Violating U.S. Anti-Hacking and International Human Rights Laws
Travel Ban
In December 2023, Loujain filed a judicial complaint against Saudi State Security challenging the travel ban. However, nearly a year later, on September 10, 2024, during her hearing at the Administrative Court (Diwan Madhalem), the proceedings were marked by procedural irregularities. During the hearing, the judge asked the defendants (the State Security) what their response to the complain is, to which they responded that they haven’t received any document for the case. Without clarifying jurisdiction at the outset of the hearing, the judge ultimately closed the case, citing a lack of jurisdiction. Ms. al-Hathloul has filed her response on September 17, 2024, (TBC) further highlighting the arbitrary nature of the legal procedures she faces.
On 27 March 2024, UN experts sent an allegation letter to the Saudi authorities, asking to know the legal grounds for the ongoing travel restrictions on al-Hathloul and al-Otaibi, and how these meet international human rights standards, including the requirements of legitimacy, necessity and proportionality.